Hello,This is me!

Eva Marie

Blogger and cat lover In love with books, pizzas and DiCaprio Writing is my passion

janvier 04, 2021

2021: my TBR on my shelves

  • janvier 04, 2021
  • by

Since September, I only buy two physical books a month to furnish my shelves (and have more books to read - obviously). Now, I have accumulated a certain amount of books I really want to read and that are sitting on my shelves, waiting to be chosen. I only wanted to read Christmassy and light books for the end of the year, so it's now the time to tackle this TBR. 2021, I'm coming for you!

A little life by H. Yanagihara : I've seen this book everywhere with the most amazing reviews. I started it on my kindle without having the faith to keep going. I found the book in French (my native language) and decided to give it a go. This year will be the year I finally read this book!

The Binding by B. Collins : I want to read more fantasy books this year. They are not always my favorite, but I know there are amazing ones out there. I hope this one will be great, can't wait to start it!

Outlander by D. Gabaldon (t. 4 and 5) : People, those books. They are so big. SO big. But I bloody love them, so I hope to read at least those two, while I wait for the next season on Netflix ...

The Starless Sea by E. Morgenstern : Just like the Binding, I want to read this one for the same reasons and because I've read so many positive reviews for this book. It seems incredible, especially when it's the same author as The Night Circus


Commonwealth by A. Patchett : The book is gorgeous, the story sounds promising and I always wanted to read something from Ann Patchett. Now is the time!

The Goldfinch by D. Tartt : After The Secret History, I expect something as good. I never read anything from this author before, but I never experienced something like this, and loving the story that much. Can't wait for this one.

We need to talk about Kevin by L. Shriver : I've seen the film years and years ago, thinking it was terrifying and fantastic. I wanted to read the book for ages, but never had to opportunity to. Now it's sitting on my shelves, I plan to read it and enjoy it as much as I did for the movie.

Game of throne (t. 2) by G. R. R. Marting : I mean, it's been almost three years now. I really need to read this book. It's just ... It's time.

I'm curious to know which books are on your TBR as well or which book you're starting the year with? 

I'm 24, I've got freckles (you get it now) and I'm a grumpy French, sometimes, who writes in English. I love books, cats, le barbu, pizzas and Dicaprio.

2 commentaires:

  1. I recently started reading more, and have a goal to read more in 2021. Thank you for this list, I'm always looking for new tbr's!
    P.S I love the aesthetic of your blog <3

    1. I hope you'll love reading more then, and happy to give plenty of ideas for books worth your time. Thanks Charlotte :)


Rennes, France